CMS Mock Surveys
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Expert CMS Mock Survey Consultants

CMS mock survey process for group

Are you a psychiatric hospital anticipating a CMS survey? Either a validation survey, a complaint survey, or a full CMS survey? If so, our CMS mock survey services provide you with the best possible preparation. Our CMS mock survey consultants simulate the agenda for your CMS survey and prepare you for all the activities the CMS surveyors will conduct.

With our 20 years; experience as a behavioral healthcare consulting company, we’ve refined our services to be highly effective in helping our clients achieve successful survey outcomes. Our mock survey services have been designed to give you all of the tools and information you need to be prepared when a CMS surveyor arrives on at your doorstep.

CMS Mock Survey Benefits

How does our CMS mock survey benefit you?

  • You get the opportunity to experience what the CMS survey process will be like. Your team gains confidence in interacting with CMS surveyors while working with our CMS mock survey specialists.
  • You get a comprehensive evaluation of your compliance risks and how to address them. You use this information to correct your deficiencies prior to your CMS survey.
  • You get a summary of your high risk areas based on current CMS survey trends. Your priorities are clear and you know where to target your resources.

CMS Mock Survey Agenda

Our CMS mock survey agenda includes all the components of your actual CMS survey:

  • Opening conference with leadership team
  • Medical record reviews
  • Staff interviews
  • Patient interviews
  • Observation of active treatment
  • Evaluation of nursing staffing
  • Review of discharge planning
  • Review of pharmacy services
  • Review of dietary services
  • Medical staff credentialing/privileging session
  • Review of Quality Assessment/Performance Improvement program
  • Infection Control interview
  • Review of Patient’s Rights function
  • Life Safety/Building tours
  • Exit conference

Technical Assistance: Completion of CMS Forms

Our CMS mock survey consultants provide technical assistance to your team on how to complete the CMS forms typically required during your CMS survey:

  • Medicare/Medicaid Psychiatric Hospital Survey Data (Form CMS 724)
  • Surveyor Worksheet for Psychiatric Hospital Review (Form CMS 725)
  • CMS Death Record Review Data Sheet (Form CMS 726)
  • CMS Nursing Complement Data (Form CMS 727)
  • CMS Total Nursing Staff Data (Form CMS 728)
  • Data Collection Medical Staff Coverage (Form CMS 729)

CMS Mock Survey Report

Our CMS mock survey consultants provide feedback throughout the mock survey about what we’re finding and how you can fix it. We do a daily briefing and an exit conference to summarize our findings. You receive a written report within three business days.

Our report details our specific findings and recommendations for all the CMS Conditions of Participation and standards. This includes both the CMS A Tags and B Tags. The report identifies the top priorities you need to address for success on your CMS survey.

CMS compliance from Mock Survey

Our team of CMS mock survey specialists then create an Executive Summary. This gives your leadership team a clear picture of the systemic issues underlying the areas of noncompliance.

We also do a follow-up conference call to answer any questions you have. This ensures everyone understands what the compliance issues are and how to address them.

Why Choose Barrins & Associates for your CMS Mock Survey?

In order to make sure your organization achieves successful outcomes, you want the peace of mind knowing you chose to work with the right consulting firm. Working with us gives you the benefit of a dedicated team that truly cares about helping you find the right solutions.

Get started with the CMS mock survey experts. Call us at 1-888-742-4621 to discuss your needs or fill out our online contact form.

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Get proactive about your CMS compliance. Schedule your CMS Mock Survey - the best preparation for those unannounced CMS surveys.