Continuous Readiness & Support
Joint Commission Continuous Readiness Services
Keeping your organization continuously compliant with TJC standards and ready for an unannounced survey is a significant challenge! Often, the pressure of daily operations takes precedence over keeping up with the standards. Partnering with Joint Commission continuous readiness experts can change that.
We help you build Joint Commission continuous readiness throughout the survey cycle instead of the frantic last-minute survey preparation. Our Joint Commission continuous readiness services lay the foundation for ongoing compliance and sustained survey readiness.
We have partnered with behavioral healthcare organizations nationwide to build their Joint Commission continuous readiness programs and avoid the stress of last-minute survey preparation.
Barrins & Associates: Joint Commission Continuous Readiness Experts
We have a proven approach for developing continuous readiness and building TJC compliance into your everyday operations. Our continuous readiness services include:
Unannounced Mock TJC Surveys
We conduct unannounced mock surveys to strengthen your survey readiness capacity. During the mock survey, we provide real-time feedback to your team on handling the most current survey challenges. We also offer best practice tools and resources to support your Joint Commission continuous readiness throughout the survey cycle.
We deliver education and training on new TJC standards, survey trends, and hot topics we’re seeing in surveys across the country. Our nationwide perspective on TJC trends in behavioral healthcare brings you the most current information you need from a team of Joint Commission continuous readiness experts.
Monthly E-Newsletter
Our monthly electronic newsletter provides valuable information and advice on new TJC and CMS requirements applicable to your behavioral healthcare organization. We analyze the new standards, provide best practice for compliance, and share solutions from clients across the country who have worked with our TJC continuous readiness specialists.
Offsite Support
In addition to on-site visits, we provide off-site support via phone conferences and email consultation. We answer questions about standards and provide feedback on policies, forms, and tools. We are also available for daily off-site support during your TJC survey.
CMS Post Survey Support
We provide technical assistance after your TJC survey with appeals, plans of correction, and preparation for follow-up surveys. If you have an adverse decision, we help you navigate your next steps with TJC to ensure that you maintain your full accreditation.
Customized Joint Commission Continuous Readiness
The landscape of regulatory compliance in today’s behavioral healthcare industry is complex. For this reason, ongoing compliance with TJC and CMS standards is the only way to ensure continued accreditation and CMS certification.
A customized TJC continuous readiness plan allows you to manage your regulatory compliance in a planful, cohesive manner. Many of our clients have moved to this approach in recent years and reaped the value of successful surveys and reduced organizational stress.
Components of a Customized TJC Continuous Readiness Plan
We work closely with you to develop your customized continuous readiness plan. We offer several different components. You choose the services that meet your needs.
Mock Surveys: We conduct mock TJC surveys that simulate your actual survey agenda. You receive a comprehensive report detailing our findings and recommendations. You have the roadmap for your action plan for survey success.
Annual Mock Surveys: Rather than conducting a mock survey only once in the 3 year TJC accreditation cycle, we have several clients who have us conduct annual TJC mock surveys. Reviewing standards compliance on an annual basis definitely strengthens your continuous readiness capacity. It also allows ample time to address deficiencies. Much better than the last minute mock survey a few months before your due date with little time to implement corrective actions.
Validation Surveys: More and more clients are having us do validation surveys. Here’s how this works. First, we first conduct a full mock survey. You then implement your corrective actions. A few months later, we return to conduct a resurvey. We evaluate how well your corrective actions have been implemented. We also give on-the-spot feedback about where they need to be adjusted. This helps you “close the loop” and know exactly where you stand in terms of survey readiness.
Focused Reviews: Our focused reviews zero in on high risk compliance areas. These are either areas you’ve identified as weak spots or ones that are high on the TJC/CMS radar. Frequent topics for focused reviews include suicide risk assessment, treatment planning, active treatment, clinical documentation, conducting root cause analysis, and medical staff credentialing/privileging. Our customized TJC continuous readiness consultants conduct a laser sharp assessment of your high risks for compliance and strategies to address them.
Webinars: We conduct webinars and long distance training sessions for your team. These keep you abreast of TJC and CMS developments, new standards, and strategies for compliance. Your team gets to hear the latest information from consultants with a nationwide perspective.
System-Wide Accreditation Support
We provide customized Joint Commission continuous readiness services for several multi-hospital systems. Each one has a customized continuous readiness plan designed for their unique needs. They also receive the following services designed for multi-hospital systems:
- Quarterly reports of our surveys and reviews at their hospitals/programs
- Technical assistance to address common compliance challenges across the system
- Presentations by our consultants at their annual conferences
- Continuous off-site availability of their Barrins & Associates consultant
Why Choose Our Continuous Readiness Services for The Joint Commission?
We have a nationwide perspective on Joint Commission compliance for the behavioral healthcare industry. Our extensive database of TJC survey findings and team of Joint Commission continuous readiness consultants gives us up-to-the-minute information on what is currently trending in TJC surveys. Using this information, we help ensure your policies and procedures meet current survey expectations.
We also provide auditing tools so you can monitor your compliance on an ongoing basis. Client feedback on our monthly newsletter and webinars is that they are “invaluable.”
Let our Joint Commission readiness consultants provide the nationally recognized services that have made us a leader in the field for 20 years. Contact us today by calling 1-888-742-4621, or get in touch online by filling out our contact form.