Survey Preparation
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Joint Commission Survey Preparation

Healthcare professionals doing Joint Commission Survey PreparationPreparing your behavioral healthcare organization for a Joint Commission survey can be a significant challenge! Often, the lead-up to survey is chaotic, time consuming, and stressful for an organization.

Enlisting the assistance of Joint Commission survey preparation consultants minimizes this stress. It gives you the advantage of content experts who do this work nationwide on a full time basis. The result is smoother survey preparation and a successful survey outcome.

Our preparation services for Joint Commission surveys are based on a proven strategy for survey success. Utilizing our extensive database of Joint Commission survey findings, we zero in on the most critical standards for your setting, scope of service, and patient population.

Based on our intimate knowledge of the Joint Commission survey process, we simulate that survey process for your organization. Our approach is based on 20 years’ experience providing Joint Commission survey preparation to the behavioral healthcare industry. We customize that approach to meet the unique needs of your behavioral healthcare organization and the specific services you provide.

Barrins & Associates: Experienced Consultants for Joint Commission Survey Preparation

Education and Training

We provide customized education for your team on the standards and how they will be surveyed in your programs. We also provide samples of policies, plans, and templates that are compliant with Joint Commission standards.

Gap Analysis

For organizations seeking initial Joint Commission accreditation, we conduct a gap analysis to evaluate your current level of compliance with TJC standards. Our gap analysis tool is tailored to your behavioral healthcare organization’s specific scope of service, client population, and settings. This baseline gap analysis we conduct as TJC survey preparation specialists provides a foundation for a customized action plan for Joint Commission accreditation.

Joint Commission Mock Surveys

Our mock survey simulates the actual agenda for your TJC survey. It gives your staff the opportunity to experience the Joint Commission survey process and gain confidence in their survey presentation skills. We include patient tracers and all the standard TJC interviews. Our Joint Commission survey preparation consultants guide you on how to handle challenging survey issues using the most current TJC survey techniques.

Customized Survey Preparation

We help you develop a detailed action plan for bringing your organization into full compliance with Joint Commission standards. Our customized Joint Commission survey preparation services give you to a roadmap for achieving a successful survey outcome. It identifies the action steps, target dates and outcomes needed to achieve survey success.

Life Safety, Environment of Care, Emergency Management Reviews

We evaluate your organization’s compliance with Environment of Care, Emergency Management, and Life Safety standards and help you develop an action plan for compliance. Our Life Safety Specialist is an expert on both the NFPA Life Safety Code and TJC/CMS standards. In addition to our expert services for TJC survey preparation, we also provide technical assistance with completion of the Statement of Conditions.

Survey Management Coaching

We coach your team on strategies for managing your Joint Commission survey. This includes best practices for managing the survey agenda, handling staff interviews, preparing documents, selecting medical records, organizing HR and medical staff files, and reviewing the SAFER matrix each day with surveyors.

Customized Joint Commission Survey Preparation

Individuals working through customized TJC survey prep

Our customized Joint Commission survey preparation kicks into gear once your gap analysis or mock survey has been completed. At that point, we provide technical assistance to help you develop a detailed action plan for achieving Joint Commission survey readiness.

Customized Action Plan

We work with your team to develop a customized TJC action plan with the following components:

  • A chapter-by-chapter listing of areas of non-compliance
  • Prioritization of your high risk compliance areas
  • Action items for achieving full compliance
  • Responsible parties for action items
  • Target dates for completion of action items

The customized action plan serves as the roadmap for achieving survey success. It allows you to monitor your progress throughout the survey preparation phase. It targets the high risk compliance areas based on your setting, size, scope, and patient population. Our services are designed to meet your specific needs and help you stay ready for the Joint Commission survey.

Customized TJC Survey Preparation for High Risk Compliance Areas

Using the action plan as a roadmap, our customized TJC survey preparation tackles your high risk compliance areas. These are the areas likely to be ranked as High Risk and Widespread on your SAFER matrix. They’re also the areas likely to cause Condition level findings and result in adverse accreditation decisions and follow-up TJC surveys.

What To Expect From Our Customized TJC Survey Preparation Services

Our customized Joint Commission survey preparation addresses current high risk compliance areas for psychiatric hospitals and behavioral health organizations. Examples include:

  • Treatment Planning
    • Treatment plans based on assessments
    • Measurable goals/objectives
    • Individualized treatment plans
    • Monitoring progress
    • Updating treatment plans
  • B Tags for Psychiatric Hospitals
    • CMS Medical Record requirements
    • Auditing records for B Tag compliance
    • Designing medical record formats for B Tag compliance
  • Ligature Risks in Behavioral Health Settings
    • Environmental risk assessment
    • TJC ligature risk requirements
    • Best practice tools and resources
  • Suicide Risk Assessment
    • New 2019 National Patient Safety Goal requirements
    • Suicide risk screening vs. assessment
    • Linking suicide risk to treatment planning
    • Best practice tools and resources
  • Medication Management
    • Medication ordering
    • Medication storage
    • Medication administration
    • Monitoring of medications
  • Infection Control in Behavioral Health Settings
    • Infection Control risk assessment
    • Infection Control Plans
    • Infection Control surveillance
    • Annual Infection Control Evaluations
  • Competency Assessment in Behavioral Health Settings
    • Substance abuse
    • Child/adolescent treatment
    • Geriatric treatment
    • Eating disorder treatment
    • Medical management of psychiatric patients
  • Medical Staff Credentialing & Privileging
    • Medical Staff bylaws, rules, and regulations
    • Focused Professional Practice Evaluation
    • Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation

Benefits of Customized TJC Survey Preparation

Customized Joint Commission Survey prep for TJC complianceYou may be wondering- Why do I need a customized approach? Why not use a more standard approach to survey preparation? The environment for accreditation and regulatory compliance in today’s behavioral healthcare industry is complex. Your organization doesn’t need a “cookie cutter” approach to compliance.

Why use a standard approach when you can have customized survey preparation tailored to your setting and scope of service? With our customized TJC Survey preparation consultants, you get compliance solutions that work for your survey and beyond. Our goal is to provide you with solutions that make sense for your unique organization.

Why Partner With The Consultants At Barrins & Associates?

Our insights into the Joint Commission accreditation and survey process are based on our 20 years’ experience as nationally recognized consultants in the behavioral healthcare industry. We are dedicated not only to helping our clients earn successful survey outcomes, also to providing custom solutions that are effective in the long run.

Make sure your organization is prepared for your Joint Commission survey by working with a team of customized TJC survey preparation specialists. To learn more about how we can help you, contact us online or call us at 1-888-742-4621.

Why Are We the Right Choice for TJC Survey Preparation Services?

Our company was founded by a former Joint Commission surveyor. We have an in-depth understanding of Joint Commission accreditation and how TJC is currently surveying behavioral healthcare organizations. Our Joint Commission survey preparation consultants put that knowledge to work for you and your team so you can achieve survey success.

When you partner with Barrins & Associates Consulting, you can be confident you’re getting the best practices in Joint Commission survey preparation. Get started with us today by calling 1-888-742-4621 or filling out our online contact form.

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