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Offsite Support for Joint Commission Continuous Readiness

Joint Commission Continuous Readiness offsite supportDoes your behavioral healthcare organization have ongoing support from expert consultants to maintain your TJC accreditation and continuous compliance with Joint Commission standards? And readiness for your next TJC survey? Our offsite and virtual continuous readiness services provide that support and help you keep your Joint Commission accreditation intact.

Maintaining Compliance between Surveys

Maintaining full compliance with Joint Commission standards throughout the 3 year accreditation cycle can be a challenge. New standards are published. Surveyors begin to focus on new areas. CMS puts new requirements on TJC. It’s difficult to keep pace with all these changes and understand how they impact your organization.

Offsite & Virtual Support Services

Our offsite and virtual TJC support services help you stay on top of all these developments.

  • Email and Phone Support: You get access to our team of consultants who answer your questions about:
    • How to interpret new standards
    • How to comply with new requirements
    • How surveyors will evaluate compliance
  • Review and Feedback on Forms and Tools: Often, organizations develop new forms and tools in response to TJC requirements. They want input from an expert about whether those meet the mark. When you work with our offsite TJC support services, you get our thorough review of your draft products and rapid feedback about how to ensure they meet all TJC requirements.
  • Review and Feedback on Policies: Sometimes, organizations need to develop new policies. Either in response to new standards or in follow-up to a Joint Commission survey. They want “another set of eyes” on their policies to make sure they’re TJC compliant. You not only get our feedback on your policies. You and your team also get our input on how best to operationalize the policy in your organization and make it meaningful for your staff and clients. Books about Joint Commission survey readiness and support
  • Access to Barrins & Associates Resource Library: Over the years, we’ve developed a collection of tools, checklists, and forms that address Joint Commission requirements and have been used successfully for survey preparation. You get access to this Resource Library and help with customizing these tools for your specific needs regarding offsite support for TJC continuous readiness.
  • Virtual Support during TJC Surveys: The onsite TJC survey can be challenging for any organization. There are often questions about how things are being scored, what might be a problem, and how to deal with it. That’s where our virtual support comes in. You get the availability of a daily call with your Barrins & Associates consultant to debrief on your day’s results and strategize on handling these issues. That will be the same consultant who’s been onsite at your organization and understands how your programs operate.

Why Choose Barrins & Associates for your TJC Readiness Offsite & Virtual Support?

Our TJC readiness experts have worked with over 300 behavioral healthcare organizations nationwide to manage their continuous readiness needs. We know what it takes to stay compliant throughout the 3 year accreditation cycle. And how valuable offsite support can be in helping you achieve that goal.

Get started with us today to implement your offsite support for continuous Joint Commission readiness. Call us at 1-888-742-4621 to discuss your needs or fill out our online contact form.

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