Mock Joint Commission Surveys
Are you a behavioral healthcare organization anticipating a Joint Commission survey? Either an initial survey or a triennial survey? If so, our mock Joint Commission survey brings the best possible preparation to your doorstep.
We simulate the agenda for your TJC survey and prepare you for all the interviews, tracers, and other sessions you’ll experience during your assessment. Our team has put together a comprehensive Mock Survey designed to give you the desired outcome when it comes to reaching the goal of your organization.
Joint Commission Mock Survey Benefits
How do our TJC mock survey services benefit you?
- Your leaders, managers, and staff get the opportunity to practice the survey process. They gain confidence in their survey skills and how to put their best foot forward.
- You get expert advice on where your deficiencies lie and how to fix them. This allows you to correct these issues prior to your actual survey.
- You get access to our resource library of tools, forms, and policies that are TJC-compliant. You learn how to customize these to your setting.
Mock Survey Agenda
Our mock Joint Commission survey agenda includes all the components of your actual TJC survey:
- Document review
- Opening conference
- Tracers in all programs/units (review of clinical records and staff interviews)
- Human Resource files review
- Medical Staff credentialing/privileging review
- Review of contracted services
- Inspection of medication storage areas
- Inspection of physical plant
- System tracer on data use
- System tracer on Infection Control
- Environment of Care/Emergency Management Session
- Daily briefings
- Leadership Session
- Exit conference with leadership team
Mock Surveys Customized to your Organization
Our mock surveys are customized to your organization’s size, scope, and client population. Your Joint Commission mock survey will have the same number of surveyors and number of days as your actual TJC survey. Our team of TJC mock survey consultants work with you to plan a detailed agenda and attendees for all the sessions. This is done before we’re onsite so we hit the ground running once we arrive at your organization.
Our clinical associates (nurses and social workers) cover all the clinical and programmatic components of your Joint Commission mock survey. Our engineer covers all the Life Safety, Environment of Care, and Emergency Management requirements. For psychiatric hospitals, this includes a full Life Safety Building tour. (Link to Life Safety and Environmental Reviews subpage.)
Mock Survey Report
Your team gets feedback from our Joint Commission mock survey specialists throughout the process about what we’re finding and how you can fix it. We do a daily briefing and an exit conference that summarizes our findings. You receive a written report within three business days. Our report includes a SAFER matrix (just like the TJC reports) so you can see where your high risk areas are and what to prioritize.
We also do a follow-up conference call to answer any questions you have. Many behavioral healthcare organizations also have us review their action plan during this call to make sure they’re on the right track with their corrective actions.
Why Choose Barrins & Associates for your Joint Commission Mock Survey?
We’ve conducted successful mock surveys for behavioral healthcare organizations nationwide for 20 years and we have an experienced team of Joint Commission mock survey consultants here to your organization. We’re known as the experts on TJC survey preparation for the behavioral healthcare industry.
Do you want to get started on the right track for preparing for your TJC Survey? We have an expert team that is dedicated to making sure that you are ready for your survey. Call us at 888-742-4621 ext 702 to discuss your needs or fill out our online contact form.