TJC & CMS News Blog
Information for BH Organizations
To read articles written prior to January 2015, please view our Newsletter Archive.
NPSG.15.01.01 Suicide Risk Reduction: Safety Planning at Discharge
Has your organization addressed the new NPSG. requirement for counseling and follow-up care at discharge? It went into effect July 1st. Interestingly, we find many clients focusing on the suicide risk assessment component but paying little attention to this...
TJC System Tracer on Data Management: Survey Management Strategies
Fifth in our series on TJC Survey Management Strategies You’re coming down the home stretch of your survey. Now it’s time for the TJC System Tracer on Data Management. So, what’s this tracer all about these days? And how best to prepare? Let’s take a look at the...
NPSG.15.01.01 Suicide Risk Reduction: Feedback from Surveys
Be prepared! TJC’s new requirements for the National Patient Safety Goal on Suicide Risk Reduction (NPSG.15.01.01) officially went into effect July 1st. As anticipated, surveyors are closely evaluating compliance with the seven new requirements. We analyzed our...
TJC Survey Outcomes: 2019 Trends
How do your TJC survey outcomes compare with other behavioral health organizations? Check out this recent TJC data to see how you stack up.
NPSG.15.01.01 Suicide Risk Reduction: Get Clear on New Requirements
It’s official! The new requirements for TJC’s National Patient Safety Goal NPSG.15.01.01 on Suicide Risk Reduction became effective July 1st. Predictably, surveyors are focusing intensely on these new requirements. We’ve seen survey reports that cite all seven...
TJC Competence Assessment Session: Survey Management Strategies
Fourth in our series on TJC Survey Management Strategies. Itâs Day 3 of your TJC survey. Time for the TJC Competence Assessment Session. Surveyors have given you a list of staff names. Now theyâll review your Human Resource and Staff Training files for those individuals. Weâve seen this session go smoothly. And weâve seen it descend into chaos. The result can be several finding on your survey report in the Human Resources chapter. So, what are the current high focus areas? And the common compliance challenges? Letâs review those and help you get prepared for this session.
TJC Medical Staff Credentialing & Privileging: Survey Management Strategies
Third in our series on TJC Survey Management Strategies. Don’t think you can fly on auto-pilot for the TJC Medical Staff Credentialing & Privileging Session. Yes, it’s been a standard part of hospital surveys for a long time. Yet, we still see a significant number of survey findings in the Medical Staff chapter for many organizations. And, recently, even some Condition Level Deficiencies. So, what are the current high focus areas for Medical Staff Credentialing & Privileging? And the common compliance challenges? Let’s review those and help you get prepared for this session.
Suicide Risk Reduction: Two New FAQs from TJC
Have you seen The Joint Commission’s two new FAQs on suicide risk reduction? The first one relates to monitoring of patients at high risk for suicide. The second FAQ clarifies the requirement for self-closing and self-locking doors. Both are critically important. Get...
TJC Medication Management Tracer: Survey Management Strategies
Second in our series on TJC Survey Management Strategies. The TJC Medication Management Tracer has been part of the survey process for awhile. For this reason, some organizations underestimate its importance. Donât make that mistake. Safe medication management is a high focus area for TJC right now. Consequently, this session is more important than ever. So, what exactly is the Medication Management Tracer all about? And how do you prepare for it?
Suicide Risk Reduction: Be Clear on TJC’s New July 1 Requirements
The countdown is on. July 1st is when the new Joint Commission requirements for suicide risk reduction go into effect. The revised National Patient Safety Goal NPSG.15.01.01 has seven new and revised elements of performance. We do a lot of education on the new...