TJC & CMS News Blog
Information for BH Organizations
To read articles written prior to January 2015, please view our Newsletter Archive.
TJC Document Review Session: Survey Management Strategies
First in our series on TJC Survey Management Strategies. “You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.” We’ve all heard that. And you can be sure it applies to your Joint Commission survey.You know the drill. The surveyors arrive at your facility. After introductions, their first real task is the Document Review …
Intimidating Behavior Undermines a Culture of Safety
Intimidating behavior has been called the “healthcare equivalent of road rage.” As more and more healthcare organizations work on building a Culture of Safety, they’re forced to address this issue head on. Intimidating Behavior and a Culture of Safety A hallmark of a...
Suicide Risk Assessment: Q&A on July 1 Revisions to NPSG 15.01.01
Are you ready for the new Joint Commission requirements effective July 1, 2019 for suicide risk assessment? TJC has revised National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG) 15.01.01. There are seven new and revised elements of performance. We covered this topic in previous posts...
National Patient Safety Goal 15.01.01: Clarification from TJC
Heads up for behavioral healthcare organizations surveyed under the Behavioral Health Care standards! TJC just issued an important clarification on revised National Patient Safety Goal 15.01.01 for non-inpatient BH settings. Revised NPSG.15.01.01 The revised National...
Pain Management: New Requirements in TJC Behavioral Health Standards
Is your organization surveyed under The Joint Commissionâs Behavioral Health Care standards? If so, be aware of new requirements effective July 1, 2019 related to pain assessment and pain management. First, letâs review the current requirements and then take a look at the new ones coming in July.
Ligature Risks: New FAQs from TJC
Have you seen The Joint Commission’s latest FAQs on ligature risks? In January, TJC published three new FAQs on this topic. One is particularly noteworthy since it involves somewhat of an easing of TJC’s original position. So, let’s cover that one first. Ligature...
Culture of Safety: Now Part of your TJC Survey
Wondering how The Joint Commission’s emphasis on a culture of safety will impact your survey? We’re getting feedback on recent surveys and it’s clear this is a top priority for TJC.
TJC Survey Outcomes: Update on 2018 Trends for BH Organizations
Wondering how your TJC survey outcomes compare with other behavioral health organizations? Check out this recent TJC data to see how you stack up.
Treatment Planning in Behavioral Healthcare: Survey Challenges
“Oh, no! The surveyors cited us again for treatment planning.” It’s an all-too-common refrain following a Joint Commission or CMS survey. Sure, it's frustrating and, yes, there is surveyor variability. But if you tackle the the most common pitfalls, you'll definitely...
National Patient Safety Goal NPSG.15.01.01: Q&A on New Requirements
Is your organization ready for the revised NPSG.15.01.01 effective July 1, 2019? There are new and expanded requirements you’ll need to address.