TJC & CMS News Blog
Information for BH Organizations

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We hope you find the following resources helpful for your ongoing compliance with TJC and CMS requirements. We have included articles from the current issue of our newsletter as well as access to our newsletter archives and useful Industry Links for Behavioral Healthcare.

To read articles written prior to January 2015, please view our Newsletter Archive.

New BH Human Resource Standards

The standards in the new Human Resources Management chapter in the 2015 Behavioral Health Care manual went into effect on January 1. Since then, many behavioral health organizations have been reviewing the new standards and their own HR processes to make sure they are compliant and also to see if they can simplify some of those processes. We’ve received some questions from readers and have provided some clarification to these issues.

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New Sentinel Event Chapter

Be aware that TJC has revised its Sentinel Event Policy and the Sentinel Event chapter in both the Hospital and Behavioral Health manuals. The revisions were effective January 1, 2015. While the essential components of the Sentinel Event Policy have not changed, there are some new terms and definitions that are important.

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