Barrins Bulletin
January 2024
Greetings to Our Colleagues in Behavioral Health!

Barrins & Associates was founded by Anne Barrins, a Joint Commission surveyor for 13 years and is succeeded by Julia Finken with a 17 year tenure from The Joint Commission as a surveyor, the Associate Director of Business Development for the Home Care Program, and Executive Director of Business Development for the Behavioral Health Care and Psychiatric Hospital Programs.
Are You Compliant with the Most Often Cited High-Risk Standards?
Our Mock Survey is your best preparation for all standards considered at risk. Contact us today to become fully prepared for your next accreditation survey.
888-742-4621 x 702
Visit the What’s New tab in your Joint Commission Edition. All Joint Commission standard updates effective January 1, 2024 are listed here. Review your policies, procedures, documentation and processes to ensure they are compliant with any new or updated standards and elements of performance. Don’t forget to note the date of these updates on your policies and procedures.
Why Choose Us
“Your consultants’ vast knowledge base and BH expertise provides reassurance to our team that we are survey ready and committed to continuous quality improvement. The only way the consultants could improve is to clone yourselves. The check-ins, reassessments, and mock surveys are invaluable to our staff. I learn every time we spend time together. Thank you for your commitment to continuous quality improvement.”