Jul 15, 2020 by Barrins & Associates
Accreditation, Standards Compliance, Survey Readiness, The Joint CommissionBH Organizations, Hospitals
Heads up! Does your organization provide treatment to individuals with addictions? If so, the new Joint Commission standards for substance use disorder treatment apply to you. The new requirements became effective July 1st in the Behavioral Health Care Accreditation...
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Jul 1, 2020 by Barrins & Associates
Survey Readiness, The Joint CommissionBH Organizations, Hospitals
As we know, regular Joint Commission surveys resumed in June. So, how’s that going? TJC recently provided an update to our Consultants Forum group. Here’s some important info they shared. Surveys Targeted to Low Risk Areas Currently, TJC is scheduling surveys in...
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Jun 17, 2020 by Barrins & Associates
Accreditation, Standards Compliance, Survey Readiness, The Joint CommissionBH Organizations
Are you aware that TJC has developed new standards specifically geared to the child welfare industry? These new and revised Joint Commission standards for child welfare agencies go into effect September 13, 2020. The new standards are in the Behavioral Health Care...
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Jun 3, 2020 by Barrins & Associates
Infection Control, Survey Readiness, The Joint CommissionBH Organizations, Hospitals
As we know, regular Joint Commission surveys are resuming in June. Thus, as you ramp up your survey readiness, it’s important to focus on areas that will be a high priority for TJC. Clearly, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, infection control will be one of those...
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May 31, 2020 by Barrins & Associates
Survey Readiness, The Joint CommissionBH Organizations, Hospitals
It’s official! The Joint Commission announced this week they will resume regular surveys in June. As we know, TJC suspended regular survey activity on March 16th due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since that time, they have not been conducting routine triennial surveys....
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