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Behavioral Healthcare Compliance for Accreditation and Regulatory Requirements: Updates and Resources

In today’s dynamic regulatory environment, up-to-date information and resources are critical for ongoing regulatory compliance. Our team will help you stay on top of TJC and CMS behavioral healthcare compliance updates so your organization can ensure continuous regulatory readiness.

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Onsite Joint Commission Surveys: March 2021 Update

Onsite Joint Commission Surveys: March 2021 Update

What’s the latest on Joint Commission survey activity? Well, we may soon be seeing a return to “business as usual” for onsite Joint Commission surveys. As we know, The Joint Commission resumed onsite survey activity on a limited basis in June. Their approach to date has been to conduct onsite surveys in counties that are low risk for COVID-19. Effective March 15th that approach is changing.

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Joint Commission Behavioral Telehealth Update

Joint Commission Behavioral Telehealth Update

As we’ve all witnessed, the use of behavioral telehealth has increased exponentially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Clearly, it’s proven an important vehicle for delivering services, particularly in the face of the mental health issues the pandemic has created. As a result, the question of “What are the Joint Commission behavioral telehealth requirements?” has come up frequently. So, let’s take a look at that …

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