Behavioral Healthcare Compliance for Accreditation and Regulatory Requirements: Updates and Resources
See behavioral healthcare compliance posts below from our recent newsletters and access our newsletter archive and behavioral healthcare industry links.

Behavioral Healthcare Accreditation Update
Leaders of TJC’s Behavioral Healthcare Accreditation Program recently conducted a webinar for the Consultants Forum. They provided an informative update on survey scheduling and other Behavioral Healthcare Accreditation activities. We’re sharing the highlights with...

Joint Commission Sentinel Event Data on Suicides
Behavioral healthcare organizations nationwide continue to work diligently on implementing TJC’s National Patient Safety Goal on Suicide Prevention. The latest Joint Commission sentinel event data (including suicides) recently became available. So, now is an opportune...

Joint Commission Orientation Requirements
Meeting the Joint Commissionâs orientation requirements is critical for a successful survey. Surveyors review your orientation process and related documentation during the Human Resources/Competence Assessment session. Thus, itâs...

Environmental Risk Assessment: Non-inpatient Behavioral Health Settings
The Joint Commission recently updated its FAQ on environmental risk assessments in non-inpatient Behavioral Health settings. Their guidance is essentially the same as back in 2018. However, it’s worth reviewing closely since surveyors frequently cite this issue in non-inpatient BH settings …

Joint Commission Discharge Summary Review: Be Prepared
Joint Commission discharge summary reviews are a standard part of the survey agenda for both psychiatric hospitals and behavioral health organizations. Frequently, surveyors cite deficiencies in this area on the survey report. So, let’s review the key requirements to...

Joint Commission PI Standards: Data Collection Requirements
Recently, we covered the new Joint Commission PI requirements effective January 2022. We’re now seeing a clear uptick in the amount of attention surveyors are paying to this topic. Moreover, they’re issuing Requirements for Improvement in their survey reports. While...

Joint Commission Rights Standards: New Requirements
Heads up! The Joint Commission Rights standards have new requirements effective July 1, 2022. These new requirements are in both the Hospital and Behavioral Health Care & Human Services standards. So, that means they apply to both psychiatric hospitals and any programs TJC surveys under the Behavioral Health Care & Human Services standards …

Joint Commission Performance Improvement Standards 2022
Have you addressed the new Joint Commission Performance Improvement standards that went into effect January 1st? They’re in both the Hospital manual and the Behavioral Health Care & Human Services manual. If not, now’s the time to do so. These new PI requirements...

Joint Commission COVID-19 Staff Vaccination Standard
Be aware! There’s a new Joint Commission COVID-19 staff vaccination standard effective July 1, 2022. The new standard is in the Infection Control chapter: IC.02.04.02. This Joint Commission standard mirrors the recent CMS COVID-19 staff vaccination requirements which...

Preliminary Denial of Accreditation: How to Respond
Your Joint Commission survey ended 10 days ago. TJC just posted your final report. The decision is Preliminary Denial of Accreditation (PDA.) Not what you were hoping for. So, what exactly does PDA mean? And, equally important, what should you do next? The good news:...