Behavioral Healthcare Compliance for Accreditation and Regulatory Requirements: Updates and Resources
See behavioral healthcare compliance posts below from our recent newsletters and access our newsletter archive and behavioral healthcare industry links.

Joint Commission Surveys Getting Back on Schedule
Be prepared! Joint Commission surveys are getting back on schedule. The pandemic is easing up in many counties across the country. As a result, TJC is catching up on surveys. Joint Commission Surveys: Current Status TJC is catching up on triennial surveys in all...

Virtual Joint Commission Surveys Continue for BH Accreditation
In the Behavioral Health Care and Human Services Accreditation Program, virtual Joint Commission surveys are on the rise. At this point, many of our clients have undergone virtual surveys. So, we checked in with them to see what their experience was like. We’re...

Joint Commission Grievance Review: New Survey Session
Heads up! There’s a new session on the Hospital survey agenda in 2022. It’s the Joint Commission Grievance Review session. So, let’s take a look at what’s involved and how you can best prepare. Joint Commission Grievance Review: What’s Included? First, the surveyors...

CMS COVID-19 Staff Vaccination Requirements
As an Accrediting Organization (AO) for CMS, TJC is now surveying deemed status organizations for compliance with the CMS COVID-19 staff vaccination requirements. Specifically, TJC is surveying to the CMS Omnibus COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination interim final...

NPSG 15 Suicide Prevention: Training & Competency Requirements
As we know, compliance with TJC’s National Patient Safety Goal 15 on Suicide Prevention continues to be a challenge for many organizations. Survey findings related to inadequate suicide risk assessment abound. But what about the requirements for training and...

Joint Commission 2022 Standards: What’s New?
The New Year has arrived! So, are you all squared away with the Joint Commission 2022 standards effective 1/1/22? Now’s the time for a final check to be sure you’re fully compliant with the new 2022 requirements. Experience tells us when a new year kicks in, surveyors...

Joint Commission Fire Drill Requirement: Vary the Timing
An important Joint Commission fire drill requirement is you must vary the timing of your drills. Seems simple, right? Surprisingly, many organizations overlook this requirement. As a result, they get a finding on their survey. So, let’s review what’s needed to be in...

Joint Commission Tailored Surveys
Does TJC accredit your organization under more than one accreditation manual? If so, that means you get a Joint Commission “tailored survey.” In a tailored survey, TJC applies standards from different accreditation manuals based on your services and settings. For...

Behavioral Health Care Accreditation: 2021 Survey Trends
Does The Joint Commission survey your organization under the Behavioral Health Care Accreditation Program (now formally known as Behavioral Health Care & Human Services Accreditation?) If so, we have important feedback about current high focus areas weâre seeing in 2021 surveys.

New TJC Performance Improvement Requirements
Get Ready! Effective January 1, 2022, new TJC Performance Improvement Requirements go into effect. They’ll be in both the Hospital Standards PI chapter and the Behavioral Health Standards PI chapter. The new TJC Performance Improvement Requirements essentially “raise the bar” on what TJC expects to see in your Performance Improvement program. So, let’s take a look at the details …